Trading High Value Currency In The System Of Heaven: The Time Factor For Manifestation (Part 3)

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In the first two parts of this blog series, I wrote about two dreams that dealt with obtaining something very valuable from God which, in turn, gives us buying power with Him. In this post today, I am going to discuss what I’ve been learning about the way God requires us to obtain this buying power. One of the biggest elements I want to focus on is the time factor of receiving that new buying power from God and the subsequent process of walking it out to see the full manifestation. If you have been asking God for answers but not seeing them appear in real life yet, see what I have been learning about the difference between receiving and manifesting!

Struggling With The Learning Process

In my blogs and ebooks, I have dealt several times with the subject of developing marvelic faith and what it takes to get big answers from God. Much of what I wrote about that was on the topic of developing faith on a much higher level than what we see manifested in most churches. Faith is definitely part of the equation of getting God to grant us big things but, it is not the only part. What I learned, on a much higher level, from the dreams I wrote about in part 1 of this blog series is the reality of how we must develop certain types of hearts in order for God to respond to our prayers.

When I initially read the book, “The Heart: The Currency of Heaven“, by David E. Taylor, I experienced immediate results in my life but, I did not continue my focus on that book. As time went on, rather than continue studying that book, I shifted my focus to other subjects and began to lose the personal impact of what the book initially had on me. It had remained in the back of my mind but, that is where it stayed until very recently when I realized what my 2 recent dreams were actually saying!

Many of the things I have learned in these last 9 years have produced a combination of shock and doubt. Shock, because of the high level things God has been revealing to me but doubt, because I am a person who still has A LOT of personal development work left to do! As I read about the higher level hearts that the book, I really felt that I was struggling just to get the lowest level – the silver hearts. Even though God had been showing me amazing marvelic supernatural abilities in my dreams, I began to feel as if I must still not be qualified for anything big because of the horrible circumstances I’ve had to endure and, the lack of results in some areas which I felt I should have had by now.

What I missed in all this was that even marvelic abilities like “atomic faith” still require developing the right heart! In the past, I focused on certain spiritual exercises that would develop this faith but, I had missed the fact that yes, those are good but, until you have developed that heart, those things might not manifest. It literally took until my 2 recent dreams that I began to realize that I was both right and wrong about my manner of activating those marvels. Having said that, I must say it was a huge relief to know that getting the right heart would cause the manifestation to happen much faster than doing certain types of spiritual exercises.

“God has commanded me to write this book to teach you how to do business with Him and buy from Him! God wants His people to learn how to get the things that He has for them in heaven and in the supernatural realm here on the earth, through understanding God’s spiritual borrowing and buying system. We must pay the price for everything that God wants to release to us from heaven. If you do not pay for what you want from God, it will not manifest. It is just that simple. There are some very difficult, marvelous, and great things we want God to do on the earth, but we must understand what He requires us to do, before He does it! It is very critical that believers today understand God’s payment requirements.”

The Heart: The Currency of Heaven by David E. Taylor

Time Factors Between Receiving & Manifestation

When we look at Biblical examples of receiving by faith, we see King David receiving an anointing but then years go by before he sits on the throne. We see the 10 lepers coming to Jesus but not receiving their healing until they literally went for a walk. And, we also see a centurion going by faith to his house where his daughter was already healed. In each case, there is a pattern of receiving something first and then seeing the manifestation of it later. The point here is that just because you do not see the manifestation of what you received, that does not mean you don’t have it!

This has been my challenge with all the marvelic abilities God has shown me in the last several years. At first, I was in shock about what He showed me, then when “too much” time went by without any manifestation, my doubt began to creep in. But, this is the Biblical process!

  1. Receive by faith first.
  2. Manifestation comes later.

This is where it seems many people fall off the wagon. We live in an impatient society and having to walk something out by faith is rarely ever seen. When the time comes for me to write phase 2 of my “Marvel Dream Revelations” ebook, I will be able to give more experience and personal details about how the time factor played out with all those marvelic dreams becoming reality.

Remember the example of King David… he was not ready to be a king on the day he received the anointing! But either way, God showed him in advance what he was to become. Same with Joseph in Egypt. The dreams of his family bowing down to him were 13 years before he was promoted to the #2 position in Egypt. There is a time factor between receiving by faith and then the manifestation!

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The Training Ground For Development

But the obvious question is, HOW do you get that kind of gold-level heart that will allow you to do this kind of act?? In my case, it was exactly what I wrote about in my “Marvel Dream Revelations” ebook. I had to go through extremely unpleasant circumstances which required me to develop a greater level of faith than I had up to that point. It required forcing my mind to reject the extreme negatives going on around me and only focus on the positive result that I expected and wanted to happen. At times, this was extremely hard to do and many times, I was like Peter sinking in the water.

“Faith is positive expectation surrounded by negative circumstances”

– David E. Taylor

I really felt that my water-walking dream a couple years ago showed me that I had already developed that ability but, real life circumstances proved otherwise. I was frequently going back and forth where, one day I had faith but, the next day I was back down to zero again. It was only after a very long time that I managed to process through all that so that I developed a much stronger faith which was harder to shake. Those horrible circumstances of 2023 were the training ground that were developing in me that gold-level heart.

What I’m saying here is… When you ask God for a certain type of heart, He answers you by putting you through a circumstance which greatly opposes an area of your character and now, you must work to develop the new attribute. It is NOT a thing where you ask God for the new type of heart and BAM, He just gives it to you!! NO!! You must develop this new attribute (heart) because of the horrible situation you were thrown into. That is exactly how it has been with me.

Buying From God To Produce Results

The bottom line here is that, when you want something specific from God, you must find the type of heart that is required. You then ask for that heart, rather than the thing you want. This is what Solomon did and God granted him his request. The pattern is Biblical and we are required to do the same thing in our time now.

“He [Solomon] asked for a heart of wisdom and understanding to be able to judge God’s people. He asked for the heart that corresponded with his destiny, but he did not ask for the heart to go with his character. You need to pray and ask the Lord to teach you the right hearts for your destiny and character.”

The Heart: The Currency of Heaven by David E. Taylor

Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people, that is so great?

2 Chronicles 1:10 (KJV)

Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like.

2 Chronicles 1:12 (KJV)

This is the action step that applies to all the types of hearts we must develop in order to receive certain answers to our prayers. Because there are 170 types of hearts in the Bible, and because the book I have repeatedly referred to is rather lengthy, I cannot give more examples here. I strongly recommend that you get the book linked below and continue a diligent study on your own.

Only you know what you want God to grant you. Only you know what you want to accomplish in your one and only lifetime. You can do the same study I did and examine your dreams to see if God may have given you a hint about a heart you may be qualified for in a nighttime parable as He has done with me. When you begin to see the reality that we CAN obtain these hearts, and the answers to your prayers, I guarantee you will be motivated to go through the entire book in order to find the answer to how you can get big things from God and accomplish what very few others are.

What Hearts Can Buy…

Before we close, here are a few more excerpts from the book that show a examples of what type of heart can buy what type of manifestation from God… (remember, there are 170 hearts listed in the Bible, these are just a few of what is in the book!)

“Believing Heart: GOLD; Buys righteousness, salvation, and faith to move mountains, answers from God (Mk 11: 23; Rom 10: 9-10)”

The Heart: The Currency of Heaven by David E. Taylor

“Meek and Lowly Heart: PLATINUM PAIRED HEART; Buys inheritance of heaven and earth, God Realm oneness and indwelling of Jesus, fullness of Christ, fullness of God, divine rest, the ministry of Jesus (Mat 11: 29; Eph 4: 2)”

The Heart: The Currency of Heaven by David E. Taylor

“Repentant Heart: SILVER; Buys the gift of repentance, forgiveness of sins, grace to acknowledge truth about oneself and mercy (1 Sam 24: 5; 2 Chron 6: 37; Joe 2: 13)”

The Heart: The Currency of Heaven by David E. Taylor

“Perfect Heart: PLATINUM; Buys God showing Himself strong on your behalf, appearances of God, kingship, life extension and power to walk in God’s statutes and keep and to do His commandments, loyalty (Psa 101: 2; 1 Ki 8: 61; 11: 4; 15: 3,14; 2 Ki 20: 3; 1 Chr 12: 38; 28: 9; 29: 19; 2 Chr 15: 17; 16: 9; 19: 9; 25: 2; Isa 38: 3)”

The Heart: The Currency of Heaven by David E. Taylor

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